Sunday, 30 September 2012

Alpha 6 is out!

Alpha 6 is out and ready for testing here (I already tested it so don't worry!)

Change log:

-Fixed a bug where the character wasn't grounded when it should be (created a new but where the player falls really fast some times!)
- Removed NGUI menus and replaces them with some place holders till i get enough time to redo them properly.
- Added some read art assets with no UVW maps ( guess what you'll be doing a lot for soon James!!). assets include cave model, water, bridge, mine thingy, mine cart, and wooden planks. also added in some of Kim's grass, but haven't ad a chance to really spread it around.

- Created water droplet particle effects  they are pretty rudimentary but they do the job.
- 1/4 of the plans map is now complete.
- unfortunately I broke the sea level place holder though.


Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Fields Alpha 4 released

Alpha 4 available HERE

Change log:

- added Checkpoints
- added level changing
- developed menu system
- added code for character sounds
- modified character slope value from 45 to 15 in an attempt to fix a small jumping bug
- added particle effects

Monday, 24 September 2012


A W.I.P of Blinky. Need to polish up the textures and stuff and needs to be rigged. Coming along though

Friday, 21 September 2012

Fields BUILD Alpha 0.001

Fields Alpha 0.001 is live you can try it out here

Character movement is in. I've run some tests on Unity's Terrain system to see if it'll do what we need it too. So far it seems OK, but it has some limitations as a result of its dependence on a height map for its generation.  To keep the cave starting area i have in mind I'll have to model a mesh specially for the cave in may.