Sunday, 11 November 2012

Bec - Title Screen Planning

The first two images are the planning pages for the game's title screen. Page 1 shows some concept ideas for the title (with another on Page 2). Yes, I know I mispelled 'Dreamer' four times. That 'A' is very inconspicuous. At this stage I was just using 'Dreamer' as a placeholder before the final title was decided. I didn't want to use a title that gave away the ending of the game or mentioned one of the levels and excluded the other.

Page 2 focuses more on possible designs pathways for the option buttons. We have 3: Start, Exit and Credits.
The title letters in solid colour.

 Next is a shading and highlighting trial.

Title in multiple colours.
 This time the title is white. I originally put within a black shape so I could trial a white coloured version that you could actually SEE but the enclosure turned out looking pretty cool.
 The icons for our options on the title screen. Each icon has a background image that's reflected in the game. The Credits icon has an octopus creeping its tentacles out of a wooden chest. I remember Dean making this - or something near enough to it - in Maya which I thought was pretty neat. The Exit icon has a corn cob, with some corn stalks in the background. Corn is a feature of the Plains level. The Start button just has water but I like blue and orange together.
Two changes from the aboce image: Credits text is written in a style similar to the other two words for consistency's sake; the border for the Exit icon is now completely the one colour (before the border and fill/shape colours were slightly different and this threw me off a little). Although the word Credit might be hard to read against a white background, when it is incorporated into the game it will have a darker background which will allow a viewer to read it more easily.

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